Clay County Hospital Auxiliary
The first meeting was held on October 4, 1949 in the American Legion Home with President Mrs. L.E. Dewhirst leading the way. In 2009, the Auxiliary celebrated 60 years of meeting our purpose to the hospital. The Auxiliary is open to everyone from the community, retired or presently working.
Our Purpose
The purpose of this organization is to render services to the Clay County Hospital, its patients and the community, and to assist Clay County Hospital in promoting the health and welfare of the community in accordance with objectives as established by the governing board of the hospital.
The Board
The auxiliary board is lead by the Executive Board consisting of the President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secret arty, and Treasurer. Chairpersons of the following committees complete the Auxiliary Board: Membership, Program and Publicity, Volunteer Services, Ways and Means, Cards and Scrapbook, Gift Box, Health Career Loan, High School Scholarship, Memorial and Chaplain.
Special Services to Clay County Hospital and the Community
The Pam Casolari-Nancy Butler Health Career Loan is a fund to aid hospital employees who wish to further their medical careers. Request forms are available in the gift shop. After these forms are completed and approved by the Auxiliary Board, funds are available for tuition, books, uniforms, etc…
The High School Scholarship is a fund for graduating seniors who will be pursuing a career in the medical field. Recipients are chosen from each local high school, including Flora, Clay City, Louisville, and Full Armor Christian Academy, and are awarded a $1000 scholarship.
The Memorial Fund purchases equipment for Clay County Hospital unless otherwise designated by the donor. With a $100 donation, an “In Memory Of” or “In Honor Of” nameplate will be added to the Memorial Board located by the cafeteria.
The Executive Board and General Membership meeting the 1st Tuesday of each month. At the General Membership meeting, an informational or entertaining guest speaker is invited.