Congratulations our CCH Employee of the Month! Teresa Doyle!

“I wanted to recognize Teresa Doyle. She works very hard, at a variety of positions. She works with Dr. Dy on Mondays, and other providers throughout the week. She is not only proficient working with each provider but provides excellent care to all ages/groups. She is always kind and smiling and is a joy to work with as a coworker.” ~ Nominated by Alex Buerster, Clinic RN

“I would like to nominate Teresa Doyle for employee of the month.
Teresa has been a huge support in my career at CCH from the moment I started. I see her continuously go out of her way every day to help coworkers, patients, other staff, etc. She works hard at her job and the work itself shows this. She has picked up shifts when people needed off, especially with Dr. Kumar when his regular nurse was on maternity leave. When someone else is struggling or behind in their work, Teresa will pick up where they’re behind without being asked. Any time there is an event in the clinic, such as a birthday party, retirement party, baby shower, etc Teresa will volunteer her time and money to make the desserts for us without question! She is always happy, energetic, and always ready to listen when someone needs advice or support. She plays a big part in training new staff, ensures their comfort in their role before being alone, and is always advocating for us MOA’s at staff meetings or if someone brings something to her attention that could be better. ” ~ Nominated by Denise Givens, Clinic MOA