Clay County Hospital and Medical Clinics
Clay County Hospital and Clay County Medical Clinics provide care to various patients: neonate, pediatric, adolescent, adult, and geriatric. As a medical clinic, there is an emphasis on health maintenance and prevention of illness through routine physical exams, including education on health issues and anticipatory guidance. Click here to see a list of our Providers.
Located at our Flora location, CCH offers many specialty clinics to help our patients receive more specialized care close to home. Specialty Physicians provide visits weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly. These clinics allow our patients to receive more specialized care close to home. These physicians are credentialed by our hospital medical staff and provide consultations to inpatients. Some of the visiting specialists perform surgical procedures at Clay County Hospital.
Click to see our Specialty Providers & Calendar.
If you would like to know if we accept your insurance, please call 618-662-2131. Please be sure to bring your driver’s license or state ID and your insurance information to each appointment.
Flora Clinic

929 Stacy Burk Drive
Flora, IL 62839
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Phone: (618) 662-2131 or 1-800-762-2309
Regular Hours
7:00AM – 5:30PM
Clinic Lab Hours
Monday – Thursday from 7:00 AM -5:30 PM.
Acute Care – Illness Clinic

The Acute Care – Illness Clinic is located in our Flora Clinic
Monday-Thursday 9 AM-6 PM Friday 9 AM-5 PM Saturday 8 AM-12 PM
Louisville Clinic

Dr. Jason Jerabek, D.O.
935 Bryant Street
Louisville, IL 62858
Get Directions
Phone: (618) 662-2131 or 1-800-762-2309
Clay City Clinic

939 Sunset Road SW
Clay City, IL 62824
(Located just behind the Dollar General Store)
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Phone: (618) 662-2131 or 1-800-762-2309
Addiction Clinic

Clay County Hospital is pleased to announce our new Medication Assisted Treatment Program. By educating about opioid addiction in the physician’s office, we’re removing barriers for patients seeking treatment and enabling patients and providers to have better communication.
Opioid addiction is a chronic disease, like heart disease or diabetes. It is not a moral failing. Chronic disease is a medical condition for life. It cannot be cured, but it can be managed. A person with an addiction can regain a healthy, productive life.
We are here to assist your patient through the withdrawal and craving process by utilizing the medication Suboxone. With this medication, along with counseling and other support, recovery is possible.
Click to view the Medication Assisted Treatment Program Flyer
Located at Clay City Clinic
939 Sunset Road SW
Clay City, IL 62824
(Located just behind the Dollar General Store)
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Phone: Call us today with your referral. (618) 662-2131 or 1-800-762-2309
Each one of our Clay County Medical Clinics provide care to various patients: neonate, pediatric, adolescent, adult, and geriatric. As a medical clinic near you, each one provides a convenient location, including a Flora Medical Clinic, an Addiction Clinic in Flora, IL, as well a Clinic in Louisville, IL and a Clinic in Clay City, IL.