How to Recognize a Substance Use Disorder
Opioid use can lead to physical dependence, tolerance, and withdrawal. It can additionally cause obsessive-compulsive (drug using) behavior. The abuse of these drugs, leads to the brain being hijacked from higher brain function to lower brain function. Higher brain function is the rational thinking process, whereas the lower brain function is where we end up with dysfunctional, irrational thinking. The drug becomes paramount and primary in our lives rather than rational thinking. These Signs of substance use disorder are considered to be the following:
- Opioids are taken over longer periods than intended
- Unsuccessful efforts to control opioid use
- A great deal of time is spent with activities to obtain, use and recover from Opioid effects
- Craving or a strong desire or urge to use opioid
- Recurrent opioid use resulting in failure to fulfill major role obligations at work, school, or home
- Continued opioid use despite persistent social or interpersonal problems
- Important social, occupational, or recreational activities are given up
- Recurrent use in situations in which it is physically hazardous.
- Continued use despite knowledge of recurrent physical or physiological problems
- Tolerance
- Withdrawal
Seeking Help.
The first step to help is to recognize that you or someone you know has a problem. This may be accomplished through intervention with a friend, significant other, family member(s), clergy, or a health care professional. Getting an assessment with a substance use disorder professional to determine the next steps for proper treatment. Various forms of treatment can include:
- medical detox
- inpatient treatment
- outpatient treatment
Treatment – Addiction Clinic

Clay County Hospital is pleased to announce our new Medication Assisted Treatment Program. By educating about opioid addiction in the physician’s office, we’re removing barriers for patients seeking treatment and enabling patients and providers to have better communication. Click to view the Medication Assisted Treatment Program Flyer
Contact & Location Information
Clay County Hospital is commitment to providing an addition clinic for drug rehabilitation and education in Flora, IL. By educating about opioid addiction in the physician’s office, we’re removing barriers for patients seeking treatment and enabling patients and providers to have better communication. Opioid and other drug addictions are a chronic disease, like heart disease or diabetes. Our Addition Clinic is located in Clay City, IL.